WPS office 2016 software

WPS (Writer, Presentation and Spreadsheets) office 2016 alternative software for the famous and mostly used Microsoft Office software. This is a light weight free software which provides every necessary features of that Microsoft office and the most exciting thing about it is that you can get it's basic version for personal use free of cost. It's UI is attractive and it allows you to work on different tasks that are related to creation, display and editing of text documents, data tables and slideshows.
 So with having very less size than Microsoft, attractive UI and with all the needed features, which do you think would be the best to used. I am not saying that all people have to or must use WPS office but I would recommend to all, mostly to those who would like to save their computer space and who don't like to or can't buy the Microsoft software, to use WPS office or just give it a try. Who knows!! you may like it more than the Microsoft Office. 
Now, You might be thinking that I am exaggerating things and just saying this and that stuff but I assure you you won't be thinking that after your own use of WPS Office. But I also can't guarantee you that all will like it because, you know, people thinks differently and sometimes people don't like the new things which are similar to the one they are usually using but with a little less features even if they are smooth one.

 Features of WPS Office 2016

  1. WPS is low-budget, no-commitment, free productivity office suite.
  2. It is the smallest size office suite with Writer, Presentation and Spreadsheets.
  3. It consists of PDF tools as well.
  4. It includes a brand new Docer Templates page.
  5. It is available in English, French,German,Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and Russian.
  6. WPS Cloud: Cloud service with 1 GB free space for PC and iOS in a professional Office file.
  7. WRITER is compatible with different file formats. They are DOC, DOCX, TXT, HTM, DOT, DOTX and Microsoft Word.
  8. With only one click you will be able to share you documents by links. This way you can view and edit them from anywhere and any time.
  9. It is available for android as well. 
  10. Writer consists of over 230 fonts and hundreds of document templates.
  11. WRITER you can create amazing documents. Insert and edit images, add custom charts, tables and much more.
The above features are not all the features of WPS Office 2016 but I hope they are enough for you to decide if you like to try it or not. You can learn more of its features and about itself at its Officical site.
The following are the link for you can learn more about it.
  1.  WPS Office official sites
  2. benefits and features of WPS Office
  3. blogg of WPS Office 2016

If you want to download the WPS office 2016 goto the following links.:

 You can download the crack version of it from getintopc or other site which you will find in internet if you search for it.

Have A GOOD DAY !!!


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